Udemy - Cryptocurrency: Complete Bitcoin, Ethereum, Altcoins! (8 HR)

Udemy - Cryptocurrency: Complete Bitcoin, Ethereum, Altcoins! (8 HR) - Bitcoin y otras criptomonedas como Ethereum, Monero, Ripple y otras están creciendo exponencialmente en valor. Sin embargo, todavía estamos en las primeras fases de un mercado emergente. Lo que significa que hay un tremendo potencial y grandes oportunidades para los inversores en Criptomoneda, pero también un mayor riesgo para aquellos que no entienden este mercado en rápida evolución. "¡Genial! Aprendí mucho. Da una presentación tan concisa y clara. Fácil de seguir. Personable. Brillante. Recomiendo altamente este curso a todos los que son nuevos en las criptomonedas e inviertan en general". Getty A
*** ESTE CURSO COMPLETO TE ENSEÑARA LO QUE NECESITAS SABER PARA SER EXITOSO USANDO E INVERTIENDO EN BITCOIN Y OTRAS CRIPTOVERTURAS *** "La primera vez que hice un curso en línea en Udemy me impresionó mucho la profundidad del contenido y la calidad de la presentación". Emma S

Cryptocurrency: Complete Bitcoin, Ethereum, Altcoins! (8 HR)

Peso: 1.96 GB | 08:04:20 Horas (74 clases) | Idioma: Ingles (No contiene subtitulos) | Contiene archivos base | Instructor: Steve Ballinger, MBA | Fecha de la última actualización: 1/2018
What exactly Is Cryptocurrency Current and Big Topics such as the Bitcoin Fork that are Influencing the Crypto World How Is Cryptocurrency Used Why Is Cryptocurrency Growing so Fast Different Ways To Get Your First Coin Key Currencies Such As Bitcoin, Ehereum, and More How to choose a digital currency Wallet that is secure and right for you Understand Cryptocurrency Trading Exchanges and how to choose one that fits your goals How to minimize fees that exchanges charge Investing Strategies from Buy and Hold to Active Trading of Cryptocurrency ICO (Initial Coin Offerings) Risks and Rewards and how they compare to stock market IPO's. Using Fundamental Analysis to pick great coins to invest in Applying Technical Analysis (Charts) in an easy to understand manner to spot trends and make great trades Next Steps to put into Action what you have learned Plus much more!
The Crypto world is ever changing and since you own the course for life all course updates are included for free!
Let's face it, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies can seem intimidating but at the end of this course you will feel confident:
Using Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies for online purchases. Choosing and setting up your own digital currency wallet Picking a Cryptocurrency exchange that fits your trading needs from infrequent to active trading. Investing in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as part of a diverse portfolio Using Fundamental and Technical Analysis (Charts, Patterns, Trends) to buy and sell cryptocurrencies like a Pro!
Taught by a top Udemy instructor who specializes in investing courses with many years of teaching and investing experience this complete course will help you to master the world of Cryptocurrency.
To get started just click the button to enroll in the course.
Thank you so much for your interest and I look forward to seeing you in your first lesson!
Steve Ballinger
Perfect for new person who wants a complete understanding of cryptocurrencies. Great if you have some Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency experience and want to take knowledge to a higher level. Investor looking to maximize returns and add diversification to their portfolio.
  • Introduction To The Emerging World Of Bitcoin And Other Cryptocurrencies Key Cryptocurrencies To Know Wallets: Where To Keep Your Digital Currency Exchanges: Where You Trade Cryptocurrency Investing In Cryptocurrecny Investing Strategies How To Pick Cryptocurrencies To Invest In How To Get More Cryptocurrency Next Steps
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Udemy - Cryptocurrency: Complete Bitcoin, Ethereum, Altcoins! (8 HR) - BCUCCBEA8



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